I have worked with 6 personal trainers in the past 10 years. In my opinion, Brent is the most highly qualified of the group. In the two years with Brent, he has helped me achieve my personal goals of getting stronger and being fit. He monitors cardio, strength training, and nutrition. I am over 50 years of age and am able to bench press 135 lbs., squat 290 lbs, and dead lift 270 lbs. I am amazed at his dedication and commitment to his clients and his passion to continue to learn and advance his knowledge and skills.
Vivian Correa, Ph.D.
Distinguished Professor in Early Childhood and Special Education
November 22, 2010
As I reached my mid-sixties, I realized how my years of smoking, very sedentary lifestyle and arthritic knees have affected my physical health. The functional exercise program he developed has given me the strength and stability to continue my favorite activity - gardening. He adapted my special program to help me overcome my knee pain and get me on the path to better movement. I can now grow old gracefully!
Karen Swann
December 14, 2010
After being diagnosed with breast cancer and under going treatment, I found myself depressed and out of shape. I met Brent when I signed up to do 6 weeks of exercise in a study. Brent is very dedicated to his clients and wants for them what they want for themselves. He has helped me threw hard times and changed my way of thinking about myself. You are never too old to change and live the life you deserve!! My neck-back-and knee thanks you!!
Linda Merck
January 19, 2011

9+ Years
He adapted my special program to help me overcome my knee pain and get me on the path to better movement.
Before I met Brent, I was the LAST person in the world you would ever expect to see in a gym with a personal trainer. I was well past my 65th birthday. I am thankful to be a breast cancer survivor, but after chemo and radiation, I had developed big-time swelling due to lymphedema. I had been told that I could never again lift anything heavier than a five-pound bag of sugar. And, if that wasn't enough, I went into congestive heart failure and had to have a pacemaker implanted in my chest. Then you can pile on a multitude of 'senior citizen' physical difficulties like bad knees and a shoulder impingement, and it's easy to see why my body was a train-wreck!”
Searching the internet for help, I found Brent's name on the American Cancer Society website. I went for consultation with Brent. Much to my surprise, he didn't show me the door, but agreed to accept the challenge to show me how to get fit and stay fit for life. His positive attitude and passion for fitness enabled him to adapt and develop a wide variety of different fitness activities while working within the framework of my special health considerations. Under Brent's instruction and guidance, I have seen a considerable weight and inches loss. But the best part of the entire experience is the feeling of self-confidence and enthusiasm for life brought on by my increased level of physical fitness. That makes all the hours of hard work worthwhile.
Helen Martin
January 21, 2011
I walked in G7 (training facility) in July looking for a trainer for my daughter as she prepared for the Naval Academy. I was lucky enough to have Brent come to the door. I was severely obese and really had not made up my mind I was going to use a trainer myself but I thought I might watch what happened with my daughter. For some reason, I found myself back there the next day at 10am with paperwork in hand ready to try this "trainer thing." All I can say is Brent was and is my life saver! Its now January and I'm 65lbs lighter than I was when I walked in the door and I'm within sight of a weight goal I never dreamed possible again. Though the weight loss is phenomenal, and good for me, the gains in mobility, the increase in confidence, and my general level of happiness are what's life changing. Brent knows just what I need for motivation, he knows what I can do when I'm pretty sure I CAN'T do it, and that little, "come on Chris, you can do it," followed by a soft hand clap always gets one more rep or 10 more seconds out of me. I can say, without a doubt, that I couldn't have done this without Brent. He's knowledgable, a stickler on proper form and injury prevention, and he treats the whole person. He checks on my diet, follows up on my doctor visits, makes sure I'm moving when I'm not in the gym, and provides the optimal training experience for me. What's unique about Brent is he offers the same level of attention for my 17yr old daughter even though her needs are very different from my own! That is PERSONAL training!!
Christine Minor
January 18, 2012
Brent is a great personal trainer, as he really knows his stuff and creates smart workout programs to maximize results. When I started, I weighed 130 lbs and was only able to bench press 115 lbs, but after about 4 months I can now bench press over 175 and weigh 144 lbs. He also is dedicated to overall body health and well-being...I had originally only wanted to add mass, but he ensured to include core training exercises, and by the end of my sessions I was much more stable and had better mobility. I definitely recommend him to anyone looking to get stronger fast, or anyone just needing a motivator to get them in better shape!
Nicholas Muzyka​
June 26, 2012
I have worked with several personal trainers over the last 12 years. Brent is by far the most professional - well trained, knowledgeable and caring about client needs/wishes - of any of them. I have had lower back issues while working out in the past. Not once, over the last 6 month have I experienced any back trouble. I now realize that it is because I was not using correct techniques while lifting. Brent takes the time to make sure my form is correct and offers tips and pointers to make every workout the most effective. He has motivated me to work harder and challenge myself. Originally, I thought I would come for a month or two and then be done but the improvements I have seen and felt are inspiring me to keep at it! I am 48 but feel like I am 38 (most days). I have lost 10 lbs and increased my endurance and strength. I definitely recommend Brent as a personal trainer!
Meg Newton​
October 21, 2012
In August 2009, A DUI was added to my life-long collection of self-destructive ways. This humbling experience brought me to the threshold of an absolute sobriety. With the combination of a high-strung Type A personality, many attempts and failures, I began to ponder my somewhat delusional and routine question: What will keep me balanced, clean and sober? As I approached my 47th year of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, I realized I was settling into the abyss of middle-age drudgery. I still smoked, consumed massive amounts of coffee and ate the high-fat/sugar ratio Americans have so become addicted to and looked like a pasty, worn-out grub. After an extensive and thorough search I stumbled upon G7 (training facility) and thus Brent Holcombe.
May 2011 began the unbridled journey into the unknown. Athletics and coordination were not my forte. I could elaborate on the numbers, figures and formats of Brent's conscientious action=results dynamic. However, when one gives reference to Strength & Condition Training, there is a symbiosis of physical and mental strength. Brent immediately began fashioning the building blocks necessary to secure a concrete foundation: CORE STABILITY! With heightened intervals of CARDIO, STRENGTH & BALANCE, he gave me the components needed to achieve my own peak performance. Brent influenced with integrity, built confidence in my capabilities, tenacity and fortitude in my stride. I began to recognize an assertive pressure and force used during training reduced stress and created a force of energy, soundness and stability. My original question regarding sobriety seemed to vanish replaced by the natural addictive properties of endorphins. Brent has an unquestionable repertoire of knowledge, evolving education; the passion and excellence to achieve success. Above all else, he has an impeccable patience with his clients. I have seen his clients and I have witnessed results.
Russell Ketzler​
September 13, 2013

5+ Years
I have worked with several personal trainers over the last 12 years. Brent is, by far, the most professional, well-trained, knowledgeable and caring about client needs/wishes - of any of them.
With my 50's flying by, I knew it was time to get serious about my fitness level. I needed a skilled trainer who would assess my abilities, plan my workouts and motivate me through this ongoing process. Brent's knowledge and leadership is what I needed. My advice to anyone seeking better health and fitness is to contact Brent and get started!
Matt Watkins​
October 22, 2013
In June of 2010 and June of 2011 I suffered separate ruptures of my left and right quad tendons and also injured my right shoulder when injuring my right quad. I had surgeries to repair my quads on each occasion and went through physical therapy each time.
During therapy on my right knee I was still experiencing considerable pain in my left knee. After thorough examination it was determined that I was one of the rare individuals whose body had a reaction to the sutures used to reattach my quads to my patellas. I had subsequent surgeries to remove the sutures in the fall of 2011 and early in 2012. I then went through additional physical rehab.
During all the surgeries and rehabs I began having significant low back pain. I tried therapy and injections with marginal improvement in pain. As the therapy allowed by insurance was winding down my therapist suggested I give Brent Holcombe a call. She explained to me that Brent was a medical exercise specialist as well as a personal trainer.
I let a few months go by and my weight got out of control. In February of 2013 I realized I needed help and gave Brent a call. At that time I weighed 310 pounds. I met with Brent at G7 fitness in Central, where he works with his clients. He agreed to take me on as a client only if I would agree to work hard on my own as well as during my sessions with him and to adjust my diet and eating habits as suggested by him.
On March 13, 2013, the date of my first session with Brent, I weighed 305 pounds. I charted my food intake for Brent and he made suggestions as to what changes to make both in types of food eaten and times I was eating.
My intent when I began was to work with Brent about 3 months and then continue on my own. My mind was changed as I began to realize the knowledge Brent has and what I actually could achieve. Brent has extensive knowledge of the human body and how the skeletal and muscular parts work together. He worked to alleviate my low back pain as well as pain and discomfort in my right shoulder.
If, during a session I experienced a pain, he would stop that particular exercise and work to determine what exactly was happening to cause the pain. Sometimes a slight change in the exercise would suffice and sometimes an additional exercise might be added to address the particular part causing the pain. Brent's knowledge and ability to adjust the program to the individual is truly amazing. He has patience with his clients and at the same time is demanding of their best efforts.
There is much more I could say positively about my experience with Brent. I am now 69 years old. On may 16, 2014, the date of my last session with Brent, I weighed 224 pounds. I lost 81 pounds and dropped 3 waist sizes in my pants. My knee, back and shoulder pain has subsided considerably. I feel better physically than I have in years. My cardiologist has taken me off all my blood pressure medication.
Brent didn't just let me walk out the door on my own. The last couple of weeks we worked on programs that I could continue on my own to maintain the gains in physical conditioning I have achieved.
I would highly recommend Brent to anyone seeking help with their physical condition or recovering from a surgical procedure after therapy was stopped short of desired results.
Nathan Oliver​
December 14, 2014
Several years ago, after we both faced some physical and health challenges, our doctor sat down with us and explained why we needed to add a supervised, structured exercise program to our daily regimen. Given our family history, our personal goals and the need to address our ongoing health issues, we decided to pursue the assistance of a personal trainer. Our starting point in this endeavor was a challenge for both us and our trainer. We knew it would require a long term commitment on our part to get where we needed to be. What we did not really appreciate or understand at the time, were the rewards we would enjoy with improved balance, strength and flexibility. Those efforts paid off in ways we never envisioned.
After two years of devoted effort to achieve our goals, our initial personal trainer decided to retire. While we felt good about our efforts up to that point, we both knew we needed to find a new personal trainer. We needed to redefine our goals and to continue to address our health issues. We wanted to “take it to the next level” for balance, strength and flexibility. We found the answer to our needs in Brent Holcombe at G7 in Central, SC. We were not only impressed with Brent's many credentials, but his continuing efforts to increase his knowledge of his profession. Once we had worked with him for several months, we realized how blessed we were to have such someone who is so devoted to his profession.
Brent understands the human anatomy and how it is so interrelated. His education (BS in Health Science from Clemson University), subsequent training and many professional credentials demonstrate a level of knowledge of the human body far beyond that found with most physical trainers. More importantly, Brent listens to his clients and tailors their training to both their short needs and long term goals. We were particularly impressed that Brent objectively assessed our starting point for balance, flexibility, and strength. He made no assumptions. Thereafter, he periodically conducted assessments that provided us with objective feedback on where were were, how they are doing and most importantly, what we needed to do in the future to achieve the new goals we had established or ourselves. While it seemed we were taking small steps along the way, in the end, we both saw significant improvement in all the areas we wanted to address. Working with Brent has not only improved our physical stature, but also motivated us to address other issues such as proper nutrition and rest. Brent and our doctor work hand in hand to help their clients address the proper blend of “Eat, Move and Sleep.”
We both give Brent our highest endorsement as a physical trainer. Regardless of your age, gender or particular situation, he is outstanding in developing and implementing a plan that will enable you to address your particular needs and achieve your goals. He's the very best at what he does!
Alton & Ann Whitley​
November 4, 2015
I am a 75 year old retired Army officer. Having retired in 1993, I have let my fitness lag over the years. A friend recommended Brent, and I began working with him about 8 months ago with the goal of losing fat and getting on a regular exercise program that would enable me to feel better about myself. Working with Brent once a week, he certainly challenged me, but most of all he helped me to set up a 5 day a week program and get back into a fitness routine. I have experienced significant losses in body fat composition while gaining strength, aerobic capability, flexibility, mobility, balance and nutrition thanks to his guidance and motivation. Brent has outstanding knowledge in all the above areas and an excellent rapport with each of his clients. I am very grateful for what he has done for me and would highly recommend him to anyone who wants to get serious about improving any aspects of fitness.
Claude Cooper​
December 7, 2015
In August 2012 at 5'6", I weighed 217 pounds and was in poor condition. I began training under Brent Holcombe and have been his client ever since. With his in-depth knowledge and experience, he developed a personal program for me that included exercise, nutrition, rest, and study. The results - I lost 40 pounds and rate myself in excellent condition. Brent's approach is holistic - initially he developed programs to gain flexibility and mobility and recognizing the need for more focus on nutrition and weight loss he established several high metabolic regimes to help me loss weight. The experience has been remarkable. I have learned a significant amount about exercise physiology, of how the muscles work, how nutrition impacts body composition, and how rest is vital to sustaining strength development and endurance. I honestly believe that I owe my life to Brent at this point. Had I not found him when I did, I was on a path of self-destruction without focus on wellness and lifestyle. So Brent not only has trained me through exercise and fitness programs, but also he has worked with me to understand more about my body, my nutrition, and overall wellness. In July, 2016, I had a meniscus tear repaired - Brent developed a pre- and post-surgery rehab/medical exercise program - In 90 days, we returned to my normal training/exercise routines. Brent is an amazing trainer. His focus and attention to detail, to correct performance of each exercise, and his encouragement is remarkable. I strongly recommend Brent as a personal trainer, a medical conditioner pre- and post- procedures (especially knees, ankles, and hips). He is the best!!
Frank Cox​
October 31st, 2016​
I am a retired Professor of Chemical Engineering, age 81, retired 20 years, at ideal weight of 155#, and as far as I know in pretty good health. About a year ago I started working out with Brent. At that time I was having some lower back pain and some knee pain and was not very strong. I needed help in carrying something weighing 20 - 25 pounds. Now I have no back or knee pain and I am much stronger. My long range goal is to keep in good shape and independent as I grow older. I intend to keep working out with Brent for the foreseeable future. He is a truly outstanding person. He is very knowledgeable, knows just how to motivate me, and keeps giving me the reminders I need to perform the exercises correctly. He is very careful to see that I don't hurt myself. I give him my highest recommendation.
John Beard​
November 24, 2016
I am a 63 year old female who thrives on being active (I'm a whitewater kayaker). In the past few years I experienced serious shoulder and knee problems. As I overcame one issue, it seemed another one popped up - but when back pain struck, I knew I had to seek long term help and a friend referred me to Brent. In less than 2 months, he has me performing squats and lunges that I never dreamed I could do! I am feeling stronger overall and there is no sign of back, knee or shoulder pain! He will perform a detailed assessment of your current physical condition before starting you on a personalized training program - and I think that is what helped me work up to exercises I never even considered performing in the past. I strongly recommend Brent to anyone looking to improve their overall health.
Kathy Clark​
June 28, 2017
I began working with Brent in October of 2015. Over the past 2 years he systematically put together a program specifically detailed to my desire to build core body strength, slim down and improve my overall health. He never "went through the motions," during our time but always kept the workouts fresh and interesting. He knows the physiology behind each exercise and will take time if asked to explain his approach and the goals for each program. He is an excellent motivator and I will miss our time together as he begins a new life in Florida. I wish he and his family the best.
Rick Goodstein​
November 6, 2017
ready to change your life? Contact me and let's begin a new journey!

2+ Years
He never "went through the motions" during our time, and always kept the workouts fresh and interesting.